Fatima A. Malik


Secretary of the Pakistan Chapter of the International Law Association (ILA-P), is a dual-qualified lawyer in England and Wales, and Pakistan. Fatima has read a Master of Laws in International Dispute Resolution at King’s College London with a focus on international investment law, and prior to that read a Master’s in Public International Law, and LL.B Honours from University of London.

Her work experience includes broad range of commercial and constitutional litigation and international arbitration experience in both jurisdictions, United Kingdom and Pakistan. Her recent work includes advising a sovereign state in multilateral-investment treaty dispute, an African bank and a multinational oil and gas company in international commercial arbitrations, and assisting high net worth investors in foreign jurisdictions. Fatima’s interest in international law comes from her studies and work experience in both, public and private international law. Previously, she has assisted on an eminent publication, a book on the contested international status of the Abu Musa Island in the Persian Gulf region.

Together, these experiences have enhanced her knowledge and interest, whilst assisting seasoned practitioners representing sovereign states to navigate various disputes under public and private international law. She has recently completed the course taught by the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights at Oxford University, International standards of freedom of expression.

As the Secretary ILA-P she works closely with the Management and welcomes any ideas individual members have to further the mission of ILA-P. She can be contacted at secretary@ila-pakistan.org